ATTACK!!!!!! Rodgon army unite!!!

Over the years, I have made dozens of different monsters and little critters. One cool art show recently allowed me to make them all merge into this cool illustration.

12th Pixel Studios

The collective of my work as an artist, my thoughts, my imagination, my creativity and my day to day life put all into one.

I can bring any thought into fruition, no matter how small the idea i can make it grand! No matter what deadline, i will meet it. Always making sure my clients are more than amazed with the work they get from me. Never letting down those that put their imagination in my hands, and always coming through, no excuse acceptable.

If you need to get in contact with me please feel free to send me an email, if i can do anything for you please let us know. Ill be more than happy to. Any questions about quotes or anything specific can be sent to me.

Thanks! and enjoy the site.

Rodrigo Gonzalez